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How we raise new puppies - Bio Sensor Stimulation and Puppy Culture Training Program

Rosebud Labradoodles believes early stimulation of our labradoodle puppies is beneficial to their life-long health and overall success. We have adopted the Bio Sensor Stimulation Exercises into our Breeding Program. Our first foundation dog, Bodie, was raised with early neurological stimulation and he has always been such a fun loving, easy going and wonderful temperament boy.  We know that this is the right way to raise puppies for their first few weeks of life so that their relationship with you and their new world can be the best start possible. Being a small breeder gives us the time it takes with each puppy to do this type of training. 


Bio Sensor Stimulation

The US Military wanted to improve the performance of their Military canines and developed a canine program that still is in use today. They started a program called “Bio Sensor” which later adopted the nickname, “SuperDog”.

After years of research, the Military recognized that early neurological stimulation exercises could be of value with long-term results. Their findings showed that there are specific time frames in a young puppy’s life where neurological stimulation has most favorable outcomes. The initial time frame beginning very early in the puppies lives, from day 3 through day 16. During this period, it is thought that the fastest neurological growth and development takes place and, is of utmost importance for each puppy.

The “Bio Sensor” program gives puppies a quality advantage by implementing early neurological stimulation through the simple five exercises (below).

  1. Tactile stimulation – Holding the puppy in one hand, gently tickle the puppy between their toes using a Q-tip. It is not necessary to see that the puppy is feeling the tickle. Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

  2. Head held erect – Using both hands, the puppy is held perpendicular to the ground, (straight up), so that it’s head is directly above it’s tail. This is an upward position. Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

  3. Head pointed down – Holding the pup firmly with both hands, the head is reversed and is pointed downward so that it is pointing towards the ground. Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

  4. Supine position – Holding the pup so that it’s back is resting in the palm of both hands, with its muzzle facing the ceiling. The pup, while on it’s back, is allowed to sleep or struggle. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

  5. Thermal stimulation – Using a damp towel that has been cooled in a refrigerator for at least five minutes, the puppy is placed on the towel, feet down. Do not restrain it from moving. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.


These exercises are to be performed once daily, as over stimulation of the neurological system could have an adverse effect with some damaging results. By performing these exercises, the puppies are giving their neurological system a head start. These exercises are an addition to the puppy’s daily routine. We never want to stop bonding and developing their social skills. Below are positive outcomes from this proven exercise program.

1. Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
2. Stronger heart beats
3. Stronger adrenal glands
4. More tolerance to stress
5. Greater resistance to disease


Research has shown that breeders have more opportunity to make a dramatic impact on a puppy’s ultimate personality than anyone else ever will in the first 8-9 weeks of life. This is why we at Rosebud Labradoodles utilize the Puppy Culture training system. 

Puppy Culture represents a gold standard in puppy rearing and early socialization.



Learn about Puppy Cultire Program
B&B PARTNERS Logo for light backgrounds.

We are super excited to announce that we have officially partnered with BAXTER & Bella and their exclusive online puppy school!


This program provides pet parents with Lifetime MEMBERS ONLY Access to achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship. Their step-by-step lessons, how-to videos, training methods, materials, and resources will help you successfully integrate your new dog into your life and home... and they even include unlimited one-on-one video conferencing and online canine coaching clases too!


In short, we totally recommend you check it out and choose to become a member today. What’s more, when you enter discount code Rosebud, you will instantly save 25%!

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